Real Estate and Finance Management with a Custom Web

Zoom Casa Web

Zoom Casa, a leading provider of white glove concierge services to real estate agents and their clients, faced significant challenges with its fragmented approach to managing project leads, agents, and vendors. To optimize their operations and enhance efficiency, Zoom Casa partnered with Sytepoint, a renowned web application development firm, to create a custom web application. This application aimed to centralize and streamline lead submissions, project management, agent accounts, vendor management, and contract issuance using DocuSign.

Reviewed on

Hours delivered back to the business


SOX compliance in Settlement process automation


Success rate of bot case completion


For functional release of OBT, RTS and OGS

The Chalange

Fragmented Systems: Zoom Casa used various tools, including Airtable, spreadsheets, emails, and Buildertrend, to manage agents and agent property projects. This disjointed approach caused delays and inefficiencies in their organization.

Complex Processes: Managing project lead submissions, project lifecycles, agent accounts, and vendor details required a cohesive system to handle multiple aspects of the real estate and finance industry.

Streamlining Operations: The client needed a centralized system that could efficiently onboard agents, facilitate fast and easy project submissions, and provide smooth internal project management.

What did
Sytepoint do

Sytepoint, a leading mobile and web application development firm, recognized the need for a custom solution to address Zoom Casa’s challenges effectively. The team collaborated closely with Zoom Casa to develop a robust web application that would revolutionize their real estate and finance management processes.

Key Features of the
Custom Web Application

Lead Submission Management: The application provided a centralized platform for managing project lead submissions, ensuring efficient lead tracking and follow-up.

Project Management: Sytepoint integrated comprehensive project management tools, enabling efficient tracking and coordination of project lifecycles.

Agent Account Management: The application offered a dedicated dashboard for agents to manage their accounts, projects, and client interactions.

Vendor Management: The web application included a vendor management module, simplifying the process of finding and managing vendors for various projects.

DocuSign Integration: Sytepoint seamlessly integrated DocuSign, enabling the issuance of contracts electronically, reducing paperwork and simplifying contract management.

Dedicated Agent and Vendor Dashboard:Zoom Casa’s agents and vendors had access to dedicated dashboards, facilitating easy project submissions and management.


The Results

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